mardi 10 juin 2014

Define Two Major Elements of Project Scope

A lire sur: Method123

Defining scope is perhaps the most important part of the initial definition and planning process. If you don’t know what you are delivering and what the boundaries of the project are, you have no chance for success. If you have not done a good job of defining scope, managing scope will be almost impossible.
Most people understand what scope means, but many struggle trying to actually define the scope of a project. It is easiest if you remember there are two major aspects of defining scope on your project – deliverables and boundaries.
  • The deliverables. All projects produce deliverables. (These are sometimes called the "products" produced by the project.) Even if you are not sure what else to include in your scope definition, you should always include your deliverables. Understanding the deliverables you are building goes a long way to understanding the scope of the project. There are many deliverables that could be listed, but you should focus on the final deliverables of the project - not necessarily the internal deliverables produced as a part of delivering the final solution.  
  • Project boundaries. The scope boundary statements are used to define what is within the boundaries of the project and what is outside those boundaries. The more boundaries you can identify, the better off your project will be. You would not need to state that some aspect of the project was in-scope unless you could also contrast that with some aspect that is out of scope. The nature of a true boundary statement is that there is both an in-scope and a relevant out-of-scope counterpart. For example.  
    • The major life-cycle processes that are in scope and out of scope.For instance, your project may include the Analysis Phase only and not the Design, Construct or Test Phases. Or perhaps your project is performing research, but you are not going to develop the results. These would be examples of using boundary statements to clearly state what your project is responsible for, and what is out of scope. 
    • The organizations that are in scope and out of scope. In some cases, the organizations involved in the project help to define the boundaries. For instance, your project may be applicable to the Human Resources and Accounting Departments, but the Manufacturing Division might be out of scope. Or perhaps your project is only impacting the corporate office while the field offices are out of scope.
    • The major functionality that is in scope and out of scope. This might be a good boundary if you were delivering less than full functionality. For instance, decision support and management reporting might be in scope, while overnight batch processing might be out of scope. Or perhaps financial reporting is in-scope for your project, but Human Resources reporting is out of scope.
What do you need to remember? First - scope is defined as deliverables and boundaries. Deliverables are the things you build during the project. Boundaries are statements that describe the project in terms of in-scope and out-of-scope. 

1 commentaire:

  1. TOUT LE MONDE A LIRE CE TÉMOIGNAGE SUR LA FAÇON D'OBTENIR MON PRÊT D'UNE SOCIÉTÉ DE PRÊT LÉGITAIRE ET DE CONFIANCE Je m'appelle Kjerstin Lis, je cherchais un prêt pour régler mes dettes, tous ceux que j'ai rencontrés se sont fait arnaquer et ont pris mon argent jusqu'à ce que je rencontre enfin M., Benjamin Breil Lee Il a pu m'accorder un prêt de R 450 000,00 et a également aidé d'autres collègues à moi. je parle comme la personne la plus heureuse du monde entier aujourd'hui et je me suis dit que tout prêteur qui sauve ma famille de notre mauvaise situation, je dirai le nom au monde entier et je suis si heureux de dire que ma famille est de retour pour de bon parce que j'avais besoin d'un prêt pour recommencer ma vie car je suis une mère célibataire avec 3 enfants et le monde entier semblait être suspendu à moi jusqu'à ce que je parle du DIEU qui a envoyé un prêteur qui a changé ma vie et celui de ma famille, un prêteur craignant DIEU, M., Benjamin, il était le Sauveur DIEU envoyé pour sauver ma famille et au début je pensais que ce ne serait pas possible tant que je n'aurais pas reçu mon prêt, je l'ai invité chez ma famille. -société qu'il n'a pas déclinée et je conseillerai à quiconque a réellement besoin d'un prêt de contacter M., Benjamin Breil Lee par e-mail à ( car il est le prêteur le plus compréhensif et le plus aimable que je ont déjà rencontré un cœur attentionné. Il ne sait pas que je fais cela en répandant sa bonne volonté envers moi, mais je pense que je devrais partager cela avec vous tous, contactez la bonne société de prêt par e-mail via: ou whatsapp + 1-989-394-3740. .
